ISO 9001 : 2015 CERTIFIED
Membership of PICE QATAR shall consist of the classifications listed below, which are defined in Article II of the By-Laws of the Institute. Associate Members are eligible for reclassification as Regular Members pursuant to Section 9, Article If of the By-Laws of the Institute.
Regular Member - shall be a Filipino citizen who is duly registered in the rolls of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) to practice Civil Engineering in the Philippines and who fulfills all other requirements for membership in these By-Laws.
Associate Member - shall be a Filipino citizen who has acquired the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) or its equivalent from any recognized engineering institution in the Philippines or abroad but who has not yet been admitted to the practice of Civil Engineering by the PRC, and who otherwise fulfills all other requirements for such membership as provided in these By-Laws.
Life Member - shall be a Filipino citizen who has fulfilled all the requirements of the Institute for such membership. Life members shall continue to possess and enjoy all the rights and privileges of a Regular Member in good standing but shall be exempted from the payment of annual dues. (Click here to view list of Life Members)
Honorary Member - shall be a person who is not a Civil Engineer but who has performed notable and outstanding achievement, and made significant contributions in the interest of the Civil Engineering profession. Nomination to this classification shall be submitted to the Chapter's Board of Directors through the Committee on Honors {COHOPLE), who shall investigate and evaluate the achievements of the nominee prior to recommending the nomination to the Chapter's Board. Conferment of Honorary Membership requires a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors. The nominee shall be notified of the approval of his/her nomination. Such conferment shall be recognized only within the State of Qatar.
Fellows of the Institute- A Fellow must be a Regular Member in good standing and who has made significant contribution to PICE and achieved eminence in any field of Civil Engineering in consonance with the objectives of the association; and
1. must be a Regular Member of the Institute continuously for the last twenty {20) years immediately preceding his/her nomination as Fellow; or
2. had been at least a National Director or Officer of the Institute for two (2) terms not necessarily continuous, and had paid all his dues as Associate or Regular Member of PICE continuously for the last fifteen (15) years immediately preceding his/her nomination as Fellow; or
3. had been a National President of the Institute or either of its predecessors for at least one (1) term and had paid all dues continuously for the last ten (10) years immediately preceding his/her nomination as Fellow; or
4. had been a Chapter President for at least two (2) terms and had paid all dues continuously for at least ten {10) years immediately preceding his/her nomination as Fellow.
All Fellows of the Institute shall retain the rights, privileges and obligations appertaining to the ordinary membership status, particularly the right to vote and be voted upon. He shall also continue to pay all fees, dues and special assessments required by the lnstitute.