ISO 9001 : 2015 CERTIFIED
INSTRUCTIONS on How to Join:
Download and fill up the Membership Form
Attached 2 x 2 photos (2 copies)
Fill up change of chapter form (if you have any)
Photo copy of Diploma and 200 QAR Registration Fee (Associate Members)
Photo copy of PRC ID and 200 QAR Registration Fee (Regular Members)
For Membership Applications, please contact Engr. Reynaldo P. Apolinar - 0974 5076 3875.
Why Join?
“No man is an island “, as the popular saying goes. Man is a gregarious being and is always on the lookout for great companions and camaraderie. PICE QATAR is one great companion, an organization that every civil engineer should be a member of. There are many reasons why people join organizations. Some join because they want to get involved in all the activities of the organizations. Others join because they want to meet people of different backgrounds and cultures and widen their circle of friends. Some may want to become leaders and so they needed a venue to hone their leadership skills and while others join because they strongly believe in the purpose of the organization.
Below are just some of the many reasons why you would like to join PICE QATAR Chapter:
You will receive first hand information of new trends and development in the civil engineering profession through education and training from experts within the ranks or from invited guest lecturers through lecture-seminars/workshops and researches.
You will be able to interact and share your knowledge on current issues and trends with leaders and experts in the field of construction engineering and management and other fields of specialization.
The launching of the PICE QATAR Website will provide all members 24-hour access to all news, events, and activities of the organization wherever they may be.
Avail of any accredited CPD programs.
Free access to the organization databank of books, codes, journals, reference materials and other Engineering publications available in the PICE Qatar Library.
Availability and maintenance of a fraternal support system within the general membership by:
1. Pooling resources and giving a helping hand for laid-off or "finished-contract" members in looking for new job opportunities within the State of Qatar.
2. Extending a hand to PICE Qatar Chapter members in dire needs, charitable institution in cases of national calamities in our country (Philippines), and co-civil engineers in the State of Qatar.
3. Facilitating programs for the reintegration of the PICE Qatar Chapter members into the mainstream of Philippine communities after working for many years outside of the Philippines.
Opportunities to hone your leadership skills by actively participating in PICE Qatar activities and by enlisting as members of various committees or become an officer of the organization.
Getting involved in the many humanitarian causes and advocacies of the organization.
You will be part of a prestigious association of Filipino Civil Engineers in an international arena.- Fostering and developing a sense of pride, responsibility and camaraderie in the civil engineering profession.